Secretariat Partners

All four partners are official national funding organisations with transversal funding research programmes, which guarantee independence and a balanced consideration of different research areas and interests. All respective organisations are involved in ICPerMed itself as members of the Executive Committee, Facilitators and Chairs. In addition, all of them are involved in the ERA-NET Cofund for Personalised Medicine, ERA PerMed and in some of the ICPerMed-related Coordination and Support Actions (see also “ICPerMed family”). With this background and involvement in ICPerMed and related initiatives, the partners can efficiently support ICPerMed in aligning research policy and funding activities in the field and thereby substantially contribute to an effective and successful work of the consortium.

DLR Project Management Agency, Germany (Coordinator)

The DLR Project Management Agency specialises in services for the funding of research, innovation and education. It operates on behalf of German federal ministries, the European Commission, German federal states as well as scientific organisations, foundations and associations. It advises on political and institution-related strategies and programmes, provides technical and administrative assistance for research funding initiatives, and supports the transfer of knowledge and the exploitation of research results. It covers a wide range of topics, from education, health, society, innovation, technology, environment and sustainability to european and international collaboration. As one of Germany’s largest project management agencies, it currently manages around 11,860 projects and research funding of EUR 2.24 billion (December 2020).

Contact: Wolfgang Ballensiefen, Konstanze Albrecht
+49 (0) 228 3821 1144

L’Agence National de la Recherche – ANR, France

ANR provides funding for project-based research in all fields of science – for both basic and applied research – to public research organisations and universities, as well as to private companies (including SMEs). From 2005 to 2020, the agency has funded nearly 22,000 projects. Employing a method based on competitive peer reviews that complies with international standards, ANR attaches great importance to providing the scientific community with instruments and conditions that promote creativity and openness, and stimulate new ideas and partnerships, particularly between academia and industry. Its activity also contributes to enhancing the competitiveness and the influence of French research in Europe and across the world. Since 2010, ANR has also been the principal operator of the Investments for the Future programme in the field of higher education and research. In this role it ensures the selection, funding and monitoring of projects relating to the centres of excellence, health, biotechnologies, and the transfer of technology and the creation of value from research.

Contacts: Dr Monika Frenzel
+33 (0) 1 73 54 83 32

Instituto de Salud Carlos III – ISCII, Spain

Logo Instituto de Salud Carlos III

The National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) is the main Public Research Entity funding, managing and carrying out biomedical research in Spain. ISCIII has been conducting research and providing key services in health and life sciences for over 30 years. It is also the body responsible for managing Spanish Health Research and Development Strategy within the framework of the National R+D+I Plan. Reports directly to the Ministry Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Health. The main mission is to support the development of scientific knowledge in the health sciences and to contribute to innovation in healthcare and the prevention of disease.

Contact: Cristina Nieto and Candida Sánchez
+ 34 91 822 24 43




Italian Ministry of Health, Italy

The Italian Ministry of Health (MoH-IT) represents the central level of the Italian National Health Service (IT-NHS) and is responsible for the overall planning/control and to establish the IT-NHS targets and measures to be implemented. Leading body of the NHS (includes data on hospital admissions and health interventions) coordinates of Prevention Programmes (promotion of a correct life-style, surveillance of chronic diseases and risk factors, promotion and surveillance of secondary prevention). It is the main public body funding biomedical research and biomedical innovation in Italy. The MoH-IT runs two types of funding programmes: one on current research (about 170 Million p.a., available to Scientific Institutes of Research, Hospitalisation and Healthcare (IRCCS) and another on targeted research (open to all National Health System’s researchers). These constitute priority initiatives for the improvement of the population’s health through the rapid translation of research results into new or improved preventive, diagnostic, and treatment products and processes, and incorporation into health policies and practice. The participating Directorate General for Research and Innovation in Healthcare (DGRI) coordinates the activities in health research, international and EU relations and external communication activities; promotes actions and grants in several fields of public health in cooperation with other Directorates. It is involved in the different European health research programmes, and committed to support the ESFRI Biomedical Research Infrastructures.

Contact: Dr. Gaetano Guglielmi
+39 0659942186