Think Tank symposium: “Personalized Medicine in Canada and India – a common approach?”

04 March 2022 – The Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) in India and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) of the Government of Canada are jointly organizing an online Think Tank symposium on “Personalized Medicine in Canada and India – a common approach?”. The event aims to foster a sustainable research collaboration between both countries.

As Part of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Conference and Lecture Series Grant (SCLSG), the Manipal School of Life Sciences at Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) and the Institute of Genetics at the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) of the Government of Canada are jointly organizing a

Think Tank symposium:  “Personalized Medicine in Canada and India – a common approach?”

The Think Tank symposium aims to 

  1. exchange best practices and approaches of Personalized Medicine (PM) in India and Canada, 
  2. foster a sustainable research collaboration between the involved institutions, 
  3. identify further key institutions and stakeholders in the field, 
  4. initiate the development of a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on PM (PM SRIA) for India, and 
  5. prepare by this India for joining the International Consortium Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed), which was established in 2016 with Canada (CIHR) being one of the major initiators. 

Date & Time 

9 - 10 March 2022 | online
09:00 - 10:30 Eastern standard time (Canada)
15:00 – 16:30 Central European Time 
19:30 – 21:00 India standard time


The agenda is available here.


A prior registration is not necessary. Participation via Zoom is possible using this link.